Ashy knees? Dry legs?


We got you! 💕

Knees are kind of like elbows because they lack sebaceous glands and are subjected to friction from our clothes, so yep, they get hella dry! If you're black or brown, ashiness is a real issue because it's way more noticeable than it is on white skin. And if you've ever put on tights and started a mini snow storm, you already know how dry your lower legs can get in the winter. 

You may think lotion is indispensable in the winter for these reasons, but listen up - you can actually get rid of the lotion and GO NO-LO! That's right! Ditch it. (You know it's zero fun getting into your jeans, leggings or tights after putting lotion on!) 

Use Simple Sugars (we highly recommend the emu oil version in the wintertime) on your elbows, your knees and your lower legs in the shower to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize in one easy step and come out with the soft smooth skin you were born with!Â